Announcing the winners of the 2023 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowships
Luke Allan
selected by Ishion Hutchinson
• Read a poem from Allan's manuscript, Sweet Dreams, the Sea.
David Gorin
selected by Jennifer Chang
• Read a poem from Gorin's manuscript, To a Distant Country.
Tessa Bolsover
selected by Jennifer Chang
• Read a poem from Bolsover's manuscript, Delay Figure.
Sylee Gore
selected by Ishion Hutchinson
• Read a poem from Gore's manuscript, This Photograph, This Archive.

Luke Allan is a poet, editor, and typographer. He is former Managing Editor at Carcanet Press and Deputy Editor of PN Review, and is currently Editor-in-Chief of Oxford Poetry. His poems received the 2019 Charles Causley Prize and the 2021 Mairtín Crawford Award and are published in the TLS, the Literary Review, and The Poetry Review. He is currently completing an MFA in Book Arts at the Center for the Book, Iowa.

David Gorin is a poet, critic, and educator. His work appears in A Public Space, The Believer, Best American Experimental Writing, Boston Review, the PEN America Series, and elsewhere. His writing has received the Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Society of America and been supported by MacDowell and Millay Arts. In 2023 he was named a runner-up for the 92Y Discovery Prize. He holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and an MA and MPhil in English Literature from Yale University. In recent years he has taught creative writing and literature at the Pratt Institute, Deep Springs College, Eastern Correctional Facility (via the Bard Prison Initiative), MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution (via the Yale Prison Education Initiative), and Yale.

Tessa Bolsover is a poet based in Durham, NC. Her work has appeared in The Poetry Project Newsletter, The Brooklyn Rail, DIAGRAM, the Slow Poetry in America Newsletter, and The Swan, and elsewhere. Crane, her first full-length book, is forthcoming from Black Ocean Press. She holds an MFA from Brown University and is currently pursuing a PhD at Duke. She is also a founding editor of auric press.

Sylee Gore is an American poet and translator.